Monday, October 13, 2014

Week #33- conference!

This week was great we got to listen to all of the conference sessions on Saturday and Sunday and I took about 10 pages of notes. It really built my confidence in my spanish, because I was able to understand almost everything. I learned a lot from conference and cant wait for the next one. Everyone kept asking me if I was related to the Prophet and everytime we teach investigators that we have a living prophet and we tell them who it is, they always stare and point at my name and then ask me if I am related to him. I have been asked that question SO MANY times. Also this week we put 2 investigators to a baptismal date for November 8th, so it would be after transfers. But they already told me that if they get baptized this day that they want to invite me to their baptism so I might get to come back if I leave. I love their family, they are the brother and sister of a recent convert that we just baptized a few weeks ago. Last week for p day was awesome we watched Rio in spanish and ate something called a completo which is a meter long sandwhich of hotdogs, tomato, guacomole, mayo, and ketchup. It was huge! and then we played soccer for the rest of the day. For service this week we got to cut some wood with an axe for a recent convert and it was really fun. All four of the missionaries here went to help and we got done pretty fast. I have been reading the Book of Mormon for my personal study and I am almost done I should be able to finish it next week. I have learned so much from reading it and have grown my testimony so much. If you want to build your testimony just read the Book of Mormon everyday for 10 minutes a day and you will slowly build your testimony. Thank you for all of your support. I havent gotten the packages yet. We watched every session of conference in spanish they had translators for everyone speaking a different language that wasnt spanish. For lunch we went back to our pension saturday and for sunday we bought our food the night before and just ate in the church. I bought muffins and chips. My companion is doing a few things he shouldnt be doing so i have already talked to my district leader and he talked to our zone leaders so we are working on him. We actually have an assignment here that we have to ask our family history from our families we need the info and stories our our ancestors back to our great grandparents.

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