Monday, June 30, 2014

Week #18- 100th stake in Peru!

I got the package this week and my companion has ate more of the food than I did haha but luckily he
doesn´t like my cinnamon bears so they are safe but almost gone haha THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! for the package my companion wants to know when the next one is coming haha. This week was good, and I reached the 4 month mark. We had to sing in Stake Conference, and this Stake is the 100th stake in Peru. This was their first stake conference and we got to meet our new president. The first thing that everyone noticed is that he is even bigger than me. He is extremely tall, and he is really cool. We had one of our investigators come with us for a few lessons this week and he helped a little bit, he is going to be baptized this 19th of July, we have 4 baptisms planned for this month so we are really excited. We did some service for one of our less active members and we helped paint a room, but it was my first time painting so we didn´t finish but she wants us to go back so I guess we did an alright job. This week was pretty normal so not much to really say. It is getting colder and rains almost everyday. My companion is dying in how cold it is, but its not even cold to me. My companion lived in an area here in Peru that is hot everyday so he is freezing. I really hope I don´t get transferred this week because I really want to see all of our work pay out. I actually have pictures this week but this computer can´t send photos, it sucks, We had a big meeting with our old president and I have a lot of pictures, they even allowed us to hug our presidents wife. Transfers are tonight but I dont think ill get transfered.
Love, Elder Monson