Monday, May 4, 2015

Week #62- this week was the most succesful week that I have had as a missionary!

This week was awesome!!! We had a great week and found some really amazing new investigators. I feel like this week was the most succesful week that I have had as a missionary. We found 18 new investigators and taught 36 lessons this week. We have amazing investigators and we are going to have a few baptisms pretty soon and the ward is helping more and giving us references. A few of the youth have asked us when then can come do visits with us, so we are loving it here. My companion is awesome and helps a lot. Everything just seems to be going good. We just need our investigators to come to church, something always happens so they cant come, but we are going to teach them the importance of Sundays so that they can understand better. I got to teach the Elders Quorum class for the first time yesterday and we burned them about not doing their visits, it was fun. haha thats all for this week. Love, Elder Monson