Monday, August 3, 2015

Week #75- I feel that God has really blessed me!

This week was pretty good. The members have started to help us a little bit more. We found an amazing new family that I believe is a chosen family that is ready to progress. The mom (Belen) of the family has been in a few churches, but hasn’t gone for a while and she told herself that if God wants her to go back that He would send someone to her. That someone was us, about a week ago we contacted her and her family as they were waiting for a bus and we talked to her about our message and we had to hurry and write down her address before she got on the bus, we didn’t have time to schedule a date to go to her house. On Wednesday we had an appointment at 11 so we went to this appointment really excited to visit our investigator, but he didn’t have time, so we decided to look for a few of the contacts that we had done. We went to Belen’s house to see if we could schedule another day to visit her, not expecting that her husband would be home, but he was, and she happily let us in and we were able to share a small message with them and schedule another appointment with them. The next time we went we went with a member and they made friends right away and now we are going to have a family home evening with them tonight and the members’ family. They were able to go to church yesterday as well and she says she believes everything that we have taught them, we plan on giving them a baptismal date for the 22nd of August the next time we are able to visit them. They found many friends in the chapel yesterday and the kids had a fun time in Primary. We are really excited for them and I feel that God put them in our way. We really need to talk to everyone, I kind of didn’t want to talk to them the day we contacted them because they weren’t going to have much time and it would have just been a useless contact I thought, but really they are a family that God wants to progress and find the truth. I was able to fast for them yesterday and I feel that God has really blessed me and them. 

Love, Elder Monson