Monday, January 25, 2016

Week #100- first time in a sealing!

This week was awesome. We were able to go to the sealing of our ward mission leader. It was my first time in a sealing and it was so awesome. I loved it and I felt the spirit really strong. This is the goal. We want all of our converts to go to the temple and participate in the blessings that we receive there. This is also one of my goals for when I get home, I want to stay worthy to get sealed in the temple so that I can be with my future wife forever. We have been teaching many great investigators and they are progressing really well. One of our investigators is recognizing answers to his prayers and is reading the Book of Mormon a lot. We are planning on inviting him to be baptized on the 6th of February and I know that he can make it. He is a great investigator. Another investigator that we have told us yesterday that he is prepared to get baptized after investigating for about 6 months. He knows a lot and will help the church a lot as long as we make sure that he is a true convert. Our ward is planning to go to temple on February 4th to kind of say goodbye to me and Sister Hansen. We are preparing our recent converts for this date and we believe that they will have a few names for this day. I love this ward. They are so focused on getting people to the Temple. Especially the Bishop. He loves missionary work and works hard to help us.
Love, Elder Monson