Monday, August 17, 2015

Week #77- really good, a lot of problems, but really good!

This week was really good, a lot of problems, but really good. We were able to find a lot of new investigators this week that are actually married. One of the families that we are teaching are going to get married soon. The mom of the family went to Bolivia to get her legal papers to be able to get married and then get baptized. We are really excited and we really think that we will see the fruit of our labors this next transfer. The branch has been starting to help more and more and we entered every class yesterday and committed them to bringing a reference next week. We plan on doing this a lot so that we can help the branch progress. We believe that if we recieve even 5 references from the whole branch that it will be a success. When members give references, we have a lot more success. We were able to have 9 investigators in sacrament meeting this week, it was crazy, when werent expecting so many to come. We had a few investigators and less active members come to church that we had pretty much given hope on, but they just showed up. It was awesome! Last week they gave us some big news. Next week we are going to be visited by some general authorities and the best part is that Elder Bednar is going to talk to us. There will be about 6 general authorities talk to us next week. I am really excited. The weather has still been pretty cold, but slowly getting warmer
That's all for this week. Love, Elder Monson