Monday, October 20, 2014

Week #34- investigators that are willing to follow Christ!

This week was good we recieved an amazing reference that accepted a baptismal date the very first time we met with him. He had read to Alma before we even visited him and has read the Bible all the way through 7 times. We are having pretty good success and have 4 people with a baptismal date in our area. Even though they are all after the next transfers I am happy that we have investigators that are willing to follow Christ. The other Elders that are in this branch had a baptism on Friday so we are getting even closer to being a ward. The problem here is that we have 340 people that are members in this area but this week we only had 113 go to church. I am really close to finishing the Book of Mormon. I am in Ether 11 right now so I am hoping to be able to finish it this week. I have learned so much and love reading it for my personal studies. Last week for p day we went to a huge zoo and saw a ton of really cool animals. We almost had a member make us some guinea pig to eat today but she had to cancel at the last minute. I was really excited to try it because everyone says that it tastes really good. She said she will have to do it some other day. Thats pretty much it for this week.
Love Elder Monson