Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 101- the LAST email!

We have had a really good week. We found 2 new investigators that are really awesome and were a reference from a member. We were walking around just contacting and looking for someone to teach, when a member walked up to us and told us that his friends wanted to meet us and talk to us. He took us right to them and we taught them right there. We have since returned and both are really interested in learning more about the church. One has accepted a baptismal date and is really awesome. Members are the key to missionary work, because it makes things so much easier when they already have a friend at church, someone to support and help them when we are not there. I hope to finish strong this week. I dont want to become lazy or give up, I know that I still have work to do and that these people need this message that we have. We have a few activities this week and our ward wants to go to the temple and take everyone including investigators. The Bishop wants a lot of people to go, so that they can know the Temple and feel the spirit there. This ward has been awesome and has helped so much these last few transfers. It's sooooooo crazy that this is my last email. See you all soon!
Love, Elder Monson