Monday, May 18, 2015

Week #64- Our convert is just awesome!

This week was very interesting. We were able to have an amazing baptism. Our convert is so great and is going to be an amazing missionary in 2 years. He came with us to a few appointments yesterday, just 2 days after his baptism and the people we visited listened to his words more than ours. haha He also told us that he wants to do baptisms for the dead. He is really great and wants to help us. He presented his aunt and cousin to us the other day and now we are teaching them. Our convert is just awesome! We also had a good ward mission night. We watched Meet the Mormons and we had about 150 people come and about 5 that entered from the street. The bad part is that we didnt have time to talk to them after the movie because we had to run to our room to make it on time, but i´m sure that they felt something on Friday.We are going to have one maybe 2 baptisms this week. Love, Elder Monson