This week was great. I am now in the zone Campoy in the area Carapongo 2. I barely got all of my stuff to fit in my suitcases haha Im a district leader now so I am pretty excited for that. My area is all farms and a ton of dirt and dust. My new companion is Elder Tello from Chiclayo, Peru. He has about 3 months in the mission. My companion is a really hard worker and is an amazing missionary. We have been working really hard this week and have had some good success. We are going to have a baptism this week and the other missionaries of our branch are going to have one to, so we are really excited about that.. My first district meeting was awesome, I felt really good about it and I feel like I talked about something that our areas really need. I hope to keep getting better and keep helping my district even if it is really small. My pensionista has her own restaurant so the food is good, but she doesn't give us very much. Its been kind of hard getting used to my new area and its destroying my shoes haha. This area might be one of the hardest areas i have had as far as culture and appearance wise. We are having good success though so its alright. Today we are going to watch a movie, eat pizza and play soccer for p day.
Love, Elder Monson
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