I had transfers for the first time and I had a HUGE change in areas. I went from the rich area to a really poor area. I am in Chaclacayo now in the branch Pariachi. There isn't any grass in my new area so there isn't any use cleaning my shoes. There is just dirt, dirt, and more dirt, and hardly half of the "houses" have a roof. They don't live very good, but the people are so much more accepting. I love the people here. I really got to see how money can change people. My new companion is Elder Aspajo from Peru. He is about 5 feet tall. He doesn't even reach my shoulder, it is really funny. I have a few really good friends in this zone so I know it is going to be really fun. We live with 2 other Elders and one of them is the District Leader. He is from Utah so I get to talk some english. So I am really happy about that. The weather in this area is warmer, but freezing at night. The kids here are really funny, they haven't seen to many white people so they are always touching my hair, and rubbing my arm, it is really weird, but they are funny. I really miss my old area and all of the people I got to know, but this area is awesome, and I think Elder Aspajo will be my favorite companion so far. We have amazing investigators that really want to learn more about the gospel and are really accepting to what we teach. I am hoping that we will have success this transfer, and we are going to do everything we can to help these people. We still have a pensionista. I am good with things for the weather it is looking like I will be here for a while so it is going to get hot. We eat the same stuff pretty much. I still haven't gotten sick, and our apartment is pretty nice and a lot bigger than my old one.
Love, Elder Monson
"We locked him in a little area and he couldn't get out- it was funny!" |