This week was good, we were able to have a great baptism. He was really prepared and he knew what he was doing. When he had his interview, Elder Campos said that the interview was one of the best he has had. The ward helped a ton by including him in everything. A lot of members thought he was already a member because everyone is his friend and he is always at the ward activities. I feel like this week was one of our best weeks this transfer, even though we didnt have a ton of lessons, because we had to do a few interviews and we had some baptisms to go to, we had a baptism and found 7 new investigators and 3 of them have a baptism date already. We are really seeing Gods help in this work. When I got here we didnt have very many investigators, but now we have quite a few and they are all amazing. I might go to the temple this week, we are trying to get some less active or recent converts to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead.
Love, Elder Monson
"The water was so nasty when we got to the church to fill up the font. Someone put black paint in it." |
He's been gone for 362 days! We sure love our Elder! |