Some of the Presidents assistants came to proselyte with us and they checked everything in my companions suitcases. They found a ton of stuff he shouldnt have... We are expecting to have an interview with President Boswell pretty soon. Next wednesdays are transfers and I think I will actually stay because of what he has done. We cant visit a recent convert anymore because he was flirting with her a lot. It sucks because she is the only member in her family and her family is against her being a member. We have 5 people with a baptismal date right now and they are looking pretty good. They are all for after transfers so I really hope I stay here. We also helped a family put a goal to be sealed in the Temple for December 6th they told me that if I leave they are going to invite me to their sealing. I love this family so much they are so awesome. Me and my last companion reactivated them into the church and now they are going to get sealed in the temple. I dont know what we will do for p day today my zone leaders have told me that I cant play sports anymore, but that is all we ever do for p day so I dont know what to do. I got 20 emails today so not a ton like usual so I will have more time to just chat. I wrote a list of some of the things i would like in this package for Christmas haha Poptarts (smores, or cookie dough) Gatorade powder, Nike socks, sour patch kids and a photo album FULL of pictures and of course choc. cinnamon bears haha They celebrate Halloween here but it isnt as big. We eat dinner at 9 or 930 everynight. My favorite food here in papa a la huancaina and pollo a la brasa with lots of aji. We have eaten cow stomache a few times, and it is just really chewy.
Love, Elder Monson
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