This week was pretty good. President made a few new rules so we are trying to get used to them. Now our investigators have to attend church 3 times for all 3 hours before they can get baptized and they have to pay tithing and fast offerings. We also can only listen to music that we can get off of the church website and nothing else. We have done a little bit off service this past week carrying big metal frames for a house and then moving a lot of dirt and rocks. I havent done very much exercise for a while so my body was pretty sore. My companion is probably going to have transfers next week so I am trying to remember where everyone lives and all of the bus stops so that I can find my way around. It has been really hard because there isnt street names because everything is just dirt. We have to sweep our room everyday because all the dust gets in. We are going to have stake conference next week and someone from the quorum of the 70 is going to come. Then the next week they have voting so they cancel church to do that because it is a law here that everyone has to vote or pay money to not vote, so I wont be able to take the sacrament for a few weeks. Our investigators have been doing great and we have invited a few to a baptism date, but they have said they are scared or that they want to know more before they accept it. We also have a lot of investigators that arent married but live with their partner and have a few kids so they cant be baptized even if they want to. This is the hardest part here is finding someone that is actually married. But we are just going to do what we can to help them get married and later be baptized. We also found a family that has been less active for a while but they are really cool and have been members for a little bit over a year. We have a goal to help them be sealed in the Temple, and we feel like it will really happen. We always go to the internet cafes to write. we havent had any baptisms yet and we stopped taking the girl to seminary because she doesnt have time anymore We will always have someone cook for us and she does our laundry too. Thank you all for your support!
Love, Elder Monson
"My room- in the city of Horacio!" |
"Now our investigators have to attend church 3 times for all 3 hours before they can get baptized and they have to pay tithing and fast offerings."
ReplyDeleteMormon 8:32...