This week was awesome!!! There are 10 zones in this mission with 2 districts in each one. we have about 20 missionaries in this zone but I have heard that ours is pretty big. we have over 200 missionaries in this mission and I don´t really know anyone from before my mission but there are 2 missionaries from Davis High School in my zone right now.
We had 2 baptisms and Saturday was the best day of my mission so far. I was able to baptize one of our investigators that me and my first companion found and started teaching, she has an extremely strong testimony and is so awesome! My companion baptized her daughter and her other daughter told us she wants to be baptized this week, but she needs to come to church more before she can be baptized... but we are very happy that she has the desire to be baptized. We have another baptism this Saturday and this is an investigator that has been investigating for years. The thing that she wants the most is to be sealed in the temple with her husband and she says she has to do it in Salt Lake haha and she is serious about it. We are finally seeing all of our hard work pay off and if everything goes as planned we will have baptisms 4 weeks in a row after this ward didn´t have any baptisms for 8 months! We are going to the temple Wednesday so we don´t have p day today, but I can´t wait to go to the temple. We ate a ton of food this week because both of the Sister missionaries had their birthdays this week. Mine is next week so our pensionista is planning a party so we can eat even more! I love being in the mission and doing all that I can to help the people here. The members are amazing and help so much, they are kind of like our second family. I hope that we will we able to have more weeks like this one!
Love, Elder Monson
Elder Monson's pictures don't send too well, but happy week! |
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